Q: Can I donate leftover paint?
A: If you have leftover, unwanted paint that is in good condition, you can donate it to nonprofits & other agencies in your area for reuse in remodeling, set design, and other applications. Organizations that accept unwanted paint include high school drama departments, community theater groups, schools, charities, and worship places.
Augusta/CSRA Habitat for Humanity & Keep America Beautiful will also gladly accept unwanted paint.
Q: Can paint be dried out, then thrown away?
However, latex and water-based paints can be recycled into new products, such as concrete, cement, and other additives. So, it’s always better to recycle your paint to conserve resources. Do not throw wet paint in your trash can at any point in time.
Q: How do I get rid of trees from a storm?
Q: How do I get rid of the bulk item, for example, a couch?
Q: Do you have dumpsters or roll-offs?
A: Yes! Visit AugustaDumps.com.
Q: Are there additional or hidden fees for your service?
Q: When is my bill due?
A: The bill is due at the beginning of each quarter by the due date. If unpaid, a reminder notice will be mailed out & late fees attached. Failure to pay will result in your household waste being left by the curb as an alert to contact the office. If still unpaid, the can will be removed & service terminated. To restart service requires a $40 reinstatement fee.
Q: Can I place my account on auto-draft?
Q: When will my service be affected during a holiday?
A: Only if the holiday falls on your day of service. You will receive a makeup day. All other days will not be affected. Always have your waste by the curb on the night prior.
Q: How do I dispose of my Fireworks waste?
A: Never put fireworks or hot ashes inside your can. Fireworks outside of your can must be bagged up, and tagged with an Extra/Yard Waste sticker on each bag.
Physical Address:
Augusta Disposal, Inc.
851 Triangle Industrial Ct.
Evans, Georgia 30809
Main: (706) 860-2208
Mailing Address:
Augusta Disposal, Inc.
P.O. Box 334
Evans, Georgia 30809
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
8:00 am to 2:00 pm